Privacy Statement
We are committed to protecting our customers’ privacy, and we do our best to be transparent about the information we collect from website users. Please review this policy for your peace of mind.
  1.  Information Requests
If you would like to view the information (if any) that we hold on you, please email to speak with our Customer Services department. We aim to respond to information requests within 1 month of receipt. Any inaccuracies you report to us will be rectified as quickly as possible, and we will usually be happy to delete your personal information upon request (except in special circumstances).
  1.  Your Information & How We Use It
If you place an order via, you may be required to input the following information:
  • Your email address
  • Your first name and surname
  • Your telephone number
  • Your payment details
  • Your billing address
  • Your preferred delivery address
You may also provide us with additional information if you wish – for example, you can let us know your company name and/or the telephone number of the site you have given as a delivery address. All of the details you enter during the purchasing process are collected for the sole purpose of processing and dispatching your order. Additionally, we may contact you after your products have been delivered to ask you to review your experience. You will not be added to any mailing lists without your permission, and we will not send you any correspondence that is not related to your order. If you choose to contact us using one of the enquiry forms on our website, we will collect the following information:
  • Your name
  • Your company name
  • Your email address
  • Your telephone number
  • Any other information you choose to supply in the body of your message
This information is collected for the sole purpose of processing and responding to your enquiry. Again, you will not be added to any mailing lists without your permission, and we will not send you any correspondence that is unrelated to your enquiry. We try to ensure that all personal information we hold is accurate and up to date. We hold this information securely and in accordance with the relevant laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  1.  Payment Details
We are committed to protecting the payment details that you enter when you place an order. All payments are processed over a secure (HTTPS) connection. Our payment providers are PayPal and sometimes 2checkout.
  1.  Customer Accounts
If you wish, you may choose to register an account on , Please note that you are not required to register an account if you do not wish to do so – to make a purchase without creating an account, simply select the ‘Guest Checkout’ option at the checkout stage. If you choose to create a user account, you will be required to enter the following information:
  • Email address
  • First name
  • Surname
  • Telephone number
  • Password of your choice
All of this information is held securely and will not be shared with any unaffiliated third parties. The information you submit during the registration process will only be used for purposes directly related to the management of your account and the processing of any orders you place while logged in.
  1.  Our Mailing List
When you contact or place an order via our website, you will have the option to join our mailing list. Subscribers are sent promotional emails containing product information, special offers, and other updates from We use MailChimp to manage our mailing list. Subscribers can unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time by clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ link that appears in all of the promotional emails we send. If you give us permission to add you to our mailing list, we will never share your email with any unaffiliated third party or send you emails that are not relevant to
  1.  Google Analytics
Like many website owners, we use Google Analytics to anonymously monitor traffic and user behaviour on our website. This tool does not collect any personally identifiable information. However, if you do not want to be included in our Analytics data, you can opt out of Google Analytics using this browser add-on.
  1.  Cookies Policy
This website uses cookies to improve your online experience.
  1.  Information Security & Fraud Prevention
In order to secure all the transactions and sensitive information processed via this website, we employ the services of a SSL certificate. We take the risk of internet fraud very seriously. If we believe that an order has been placed fraudulently or that our website has been abused in any way, we reserve the right to share any relevant information with third-party fraud prevention companies (including banks) and the police. If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please email